We like challenges and bright, modern ideas, so if you have long dreamed of a design furniture or interior item made of wood and metal that would make your home more special and beautiful, contact us about the possibilities to turn this idea into a real product. Our product range already includes several products created according to individual orders, and now these products are already decorating the homes of customers (see photo gallery below). 

    For us to understand your idea, send us a photo or a drawing/sketch with your vision of the appearance of the desired product, including also the product dimensions, to e-mail: [email protected] or contact us through social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram. The price of such an individual order depends on the dimensions of your desired product, the complexity of production and the selected materials; we will be able to tell you the product price and production period only after you providing us a description of your desired product.

     We will gladly listen to your ideas, share our experience and help with the development and implementation of your idea in a real interior product!